VENDOR REGISTRATIONPlease complete the following form and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Event Name / اسم المهرجان * Mar Mikhael June 2022 Name / الاسم * First Name Last Name Stand Name / اسم الخيمة * Type / نوع السلعة * Choose one (your primary category) Food and Beverage Clothing Kids Entertainment Kids Clothing Women's Accessories Men's Accessories Entertainment Home Accessories Art Service Industry NGO Technology Educational Institution Beachwear Men's Clothing Women's Clothing Books Cosmetics Pet Supply Crafters Market Music Plants and Environment Toys Need Electricity? * NOTE: Electricity is not free. You will have to pay for amperage No Yes Phone (WhatsApp)/ رقم الهاتف * Must include 961 country code (EX. 961 81 288 770) Email / البريد الالكتروني * Website http:// Have you participated in one of our events before? / هل شاركت سابقا معنا في مهرجاناتنا؟ * Yes No Still Unsure Thank you! We will be in touch soon!